Item #201 | My Ukraine by Martha Firman

  • One-of-a-Kind Artwork for a Worthy Cause: “My Ukraine” by Martha Firman
  • Dimensions: 11,8″ x 16,3″ (30 x 41,5 cm)
  • Medium: Liner on Cotton Drawing Paper
  • Created: 2023 in Kopychyntsi City, Ternopil Region, Ukraine
  • Special Gift: Personalized ‘Good Samaritan‘ Wall Plaque
  • Shipping: Free worldwide
  • Support a Worthy Cause: By purchasing this beautiful piece, you are directly supporting the Mother Teresa International Rehabilitation Center. Your contribution aids Ukrainian children impacted by the ongoing military actions of the Russian army. Thank you for your generosity and compassion!
  • We are awaiting the arrival of this artwork at our store’s warehouse in Albania




One-of-a-Kind Artwork for a Worthy Cause: “My Ukraine” by Martha Firman

The art world is full of surprises, and one of them is the emergence of new and talented artists who are making their mark in the industry. Marta Firman is one such artist who has captured the attention of art enthusiasts with her stunning artwork. At just 17 years old, Firman is already making waves with her beautiful graphics, and her work is an adornment of a charity auction.
Firman hails from the small provincial Ukrainian town of Kopychyntsi, and her art reflects her heritage and culture. Her classic female portrait in national dress in strict black and white is a testament to her talent and creativity. The portrait is painted with a liner, which gives it a unique and striking look that is sure to capture the attention of anyone who sees it.
Firman’s art is not just beautiful, but it also tells a story. Her portrait of a classic female in national dress is a tribute to the rich culture and history of Ukraine. It showcases the traditional dress worn by women in Ukraine, which has been passed down through generations. The strict black and white color scheme adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the portrait, making it a true masterpiece.
The fact that Firman’s artwork is an adornment of a charity auction is a testament to her talent and the impact that her art has on people. Art has always been a powerful medium for raising awareness and funds for charitable causes, and Firman’s artwork is no exception. By donating her artwork to a charity auction, Firman is not only giving back to her community but also using her talent to make a positive difference in the world.
Marta Firman is a rising star in the art world, and we can’t wait to see what she creates next.

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